LK Design: Using Headers

The Header is the most important part of your webpage other than your website name. Here are some ways how to take full advantage. • Use h1 for headers as google rank this a lot higher than strong or even h2. • Headers need to be short incorporating keywords. Adjectives are a no no, you … Read more

LK Design: Alt Text

Alt text may be thought of as just the text you see when an image doesn’t work.. Not very important you think as skip insert Alt text prompt. Here are some reasons to think other wise: • Alt text is used by “screen reader” software so that a person who is listening to the content … Read more

LK Design: Scannability

Users tend to scan text and pick out keywords, sentences, and paragraphs of interest. Structure articles with two or even three levels of headlines such as a general webpage header plus subheads – and sub-sub-heads when required. Use emphasis and highlighting to make Keywords catch the user’s eye as well as spiders. Coloured text can … Read more

LK Design: Bullets and Tables

Bullet points and tables are invaluable in breaking up a page helping the user to read in short spurts, also empowering the use of white space which is such a powerful tool on a website. What bullet points and tables mean is simplified information and which easily understood for any target market.

LK Design: Navigation

The basic process of a web user is “Don’t make me think” in saying this you want the user to go from webpage to webpage followed by back to a page they saw previously. Breadcrumbs are a powerful function. Used most predominantly on sites such as trade me. Internal Hyperlinks are another example of a … Read more

LK Design: Use Appropriate Colours

FUNCTION FIRST is the most important rule in web design. You can have the most glamorous looking website out there, but if no one can read it there is no point. Use contrasting colours are best. A lot of websites use grey text on white backgrounds which just weakens legibility of content which could simply … Read more

LK Design: Keywords

Google sends out spiders to every website in order to search for keywords. Here are some ways to impress these 8 legged Arachnids: • Include keywords in your metadata within your header. • Use the website name or business rather than pronouns such as I, them, us. Same goes with affiliates. Empower these names by … Read more

LK Design: Keep Your Pages Short, But Not Too Short

Writing for the web is different from writing for print. People skim online, especially when they first get to a webpage. You want the contents of your web page to give them what they want quickly, but provide enough detail for those who are interested. It is encouraged to use simple, familiar vocabulary as user … Read more

LK Design: Keep Websites Current

Google will pay more attention to your site if it is active. As it has to access your information for ratings. Keywords will be used more frequently with more content you have on Your Website. With more topics on your site, will come up in more searches. A website is similar to a car, if … Read more